How to Pair Your Amazon Fire TV Stick Remote



How to Pair Your Amazon Fire TV Stick Remote

The Amazon Fire TV Stick will turn a regular TV into a smart TV. But it won’t be so smart if your remote isn’t working. Out of the box, your remote should pair with your Fire TV Stick once you set it up. However, your remote can sometimes lose connection. Here are several ways to pair your Fire TV Stick remote manually, and how you can use your smartphone as a remote instead.

How to Pair an Amazon Fire Stick Remote

To quickly pair an Amazon Fire TV Stick remote, press and hold the home button for 10 seconds or until the light at the top of your remote starts blinking quickly. You will see an on-screen message or the light on your remote will flash blue three times when it has been paired.

If that doesn’t work, try resetting your remote by following the steps below:

How to Reset an Amazon Fire Stick Remote

To reset a Fire TV remote, unplug your Fire TV device from power for 60 seconds. Then press the left, menu, and back buttons on your remote for 12 seconds. Next, remove the batteries, plug your Fire TV device in and wait 60 seconds. Finally, insert your batteries and press the home button.

  1. Unplug your Fire Stick from the power outlet for 60 seconds.
  2. Then press and hold left, menu, and back on your remote for 12 seconds. The left directional button is the left side of the ring on your remote, the menu button has three horizontal lines, and the back button has a rounded arrow pointing to the left.
  1. Next, wait five seconds and remove the batteries from your remote. If you have another set of batteries, you might want to replace them at this point.
  2. Then plug your Fire Stick back into the power outlet and wait 60 seconds.
  3. Next, insert the batteries in your remote.
  4. Finally, push the home button on your remote. Amazon recommends you stand at least 10 feet away from your Fire TV device when you reset it.

Note: It might take a minute for your remote to pair with your Fire TV. If it still doesn’t pair after a few minutes, try holding down the home button for 10 seconds.

If you’re trying to pair a new or replacement remote, you might have to add it to your Fire Stick manually. Here’s how:

How to Pair a Replacement Remote to Your Fire TV

To pair a replacement remote for your Fire Stick, go to Settings > Controllers & Bluetooth Devices > Amazon Fire TV Remotes > Add New Remote. Then hold the home button on your new remote for 10 seconds and select the new remote’s name with your old remote to confirm.

  1. Press the home button on your Fire Stick remote.

    Note: If you don’t have a Fire TV remote that works, you can also use your smartphone to add and remove remotes. Skip to the next section to find out how to use your phone as a remote and then complete the following steps to pair a new remote.

  2. Then open SettingsYou can do this by pressing the right directional button on your remote until the gear icon on the right is highlighted. Then press the down directional button on your remote to open the settings menu

Note: If you are running an old version of Fire OS, your screen might look different. If so, you can find the Settings menu by pressing the up button on your remote until you see Home highlighted. Then press the right directional button to select Settings and the down directional button to access the Settings menu. Then all the following steps will be nearly identical.

Next, select Controllers & Bluetooth Devices.

Then select Amazon Fire TV Remotes.

Note: If you are pairing a third-party remote, scroll down and select Other Bluetooth Devices and then Add Bluetooth Devices. Then put your remote in pairing mode and select it when it appears on screen.

Next, select Add New Remote Your Amazon Fire TV will search for discoverable remotes and display them in a list.

Then press and hold the home button on your new remote for at 10 seconds. Once your Fire Stick recognizes your new remote, it will appear on the screen.

Next, press the Select button on your old remote to confirm. This is the button in the middle of the ring on your remote.

  1. Note: It might take some time for your new remote to update.

  2. Finally, you can use your new remote when you see it listed on the screen.

  3. You can add up to seven remote controls to your Fire Stick. If you’ve reached your limit, you will need to unpair one of them. You can do this here by pressing the menu button with the three lines on your remote and then the select button in the middle of the ring on your remote. This might also help you reset a remote that isn’t working.

    How to Use Your Phone as a Fire Stick Remote

    To use your phone as a Fire Stick remote, download and install the Amazon Fire TV app. Then open the app and select your Fire TV device. Log into your Amazon account and enter the PIN that you see on the TV screen into your phone.

    1. Download and install the Amazon Fire TV app. You can find the app on the Google Play Store for Android devices and the Apple App Store for iPhones and other iOS devices. Make sure you download the app from AMZN Mobile LLC.

    1. Note: Your smartphone and Amazon Fire Stick need to be on the same Wi-Fi network for the app to work.

    2. Then open the app and select your Fire TV device. The app will automatically connect to your Fire TV device. If you don’t see your Fire TV Stick on the list, tap New Devices.
    3. Next, sign in with your Amazon username and password.
    4. Enter the four-digit PIN on your TV into your app.

    You can now use your phone as a remote control for your Fire TV device. Once pairing is complete, you will see your remote buttons on your smartphone screen. You can continue to use your device as a remote, or use it to pair a new remote by following the steps in the previous section with your app. 

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