The Diplomat is an upcoming American political drama television series created by David E. Kelley for Netflix. The series stars Brian Cox as Andrew Scott, the British Ambassador to the United States, and Connie Britton as his wife, Sarah. The series follows the Scotts as they navigate the world of international diplomacy and the challenges of raising a family in Washington, D.C.
The series was announced in 2022, and it is scheduled to premiere on Netflix in 2023. The series is being produced by David E. Kelley Productions, Netflix, and Sony Pictures Television.
The Diplomat follows the Scotts as they navigate the world of international diplomacy and the challenges of raising a family in Washington, D.C. Andrew Scott is a brilliant and ambitious diplomat who is appointed as the British Ambassador to the United States. Sarah Scott is a talented artist who is struggling to adjust to life in Washington, D.C. The Scotts must balance their demanding careers with their family life, and they must also deal with the challenges of living in a city that is constantly in the spotlight.
- Brian Cox as Andrew Scott
- Connie Britton as Sarah Scott
- Jayme Lawson as Phoebe Scott
- Noah Robbins as Henry Scott
- Simon Russell Beale as Sir Geoffrey Appleby
- Harriet Walter as Lady Appleby
- Elizabeth McGovern as Pamela Winslow
- John Carroll Lynch as Bill Kilgore
- Zach Grenier as Roger McHugh
- Hope Davis as Alice Kilgore
The Diplomat has not yet been released, so there is no critical reception yet. However, the series has been met with positive anticipation from fans and critics alike. David E. Kelley is a respected television producer, and he has a proven track record of creating successful dramas. The series also has a strong cast, and it is based on a compelling premise. The Diplomat is shaping up to be a must-watch series for fans of political dramas.
Box office:
The Diplomat is a television series, so it will not be released in theaters. It will be released on Netflix in 2023.